Nobody should be burdened by unjust medical bills.
On December 2, 2023, it was announced that The Brijbag Family Foundation, through the efforts of Attorney Brian S. Brijbag and his wife Stephanie Brijbag, purchased and abolished over $1,602,784.08 in Medical Debt from 1,614 families in Hernando, Pasco, and Citrus counties. It was also announced that the Brijbag’s hope to make this an annual event in which more community assistance can be offered.
Why Medical Debt?
- Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy in the U.S.
- In 2020 collection agencies held $195 billion in unpaid medical debts.
- More than 100 million Americans have medical debt, nearly 1 in 3 adults.
- No one chooses to become sick, have a chronic illness or be in an accident. These are debts of necessity that we cannot allow to ruin lives.

While we would love to help everyone who needs assistance, The Brijbag Family Foundation cannot abolish medical debt by individual request. We approach the problem of medical debt by acquiring large portfolios of debt to help hundreds of people at once.
Qualifications for debt relief:
1. People earning 400 percent (or below) the federal poverty level.
2. Those whose debt is five percent or more of their gross annual income.
Quick Tips for Dealing with Medical Debt
- Don’t pay with your credit card unless you have the money available.
- Ask for financial assistance, even if your hospital stay was a year ago
- When you apply for financial assistance, let them know about other large bills you have. Even if your income is good, you may not be able to pay.
- If you don’t get financial assistance, ask for a payment plan.
- Do you struggle with negotiation? Get a friend to do the call with you.
- No one returning your call? Contact the hospital Patient Representative.
- Don’t stop taking medications or going to the doctor.